Avantra Server

The following table will be updated periodically to show release information and end-of-maintenance information for various Avantra Server versions:

ReleaseRelease End of MaintenanceAdditional comments
25November 2024Not Announced
24November 2023Superseded by
Avantra 25
Out of support as of 28th Feb 2026
Fixes are provided
via Avantra 25

Security fixes will be provided until 28th Feb 2026 as required
23October 2022Out of support (February 2025)
21.11November 2021Out of support (February 2024)
20.11November 2020Out of support (April 2023)
20.5June 2020Out of support (Jun 2022)
20.2February 2020Out of support (Jan 2022)
7.2 & 7.3November 2018Out of support
7.0 & 7.1November 2017Out of support
6.XJune 2016Out of support

Avantra Agent

Agent version support timeframes follow the Avantra server matrix listed above with the exception of Avantra Agent 20.5.10 which is supported with major security fixes only to allow for the management of older 32-bit windows systems.

Customers are encouraged to keep their Agent installations current with their Avantra server major installation where possible. Avantra servers are fully backwards compatible with older agent versions however, to ensure the best experience and adopt the latest security and bug fixes, we recommend upgrading agents to match your Avantra server as soon as practical. The auto-update functionality within Avantra for remote agents is provided for exactly this reason.

This is a list of verified architectures upon which the Avantra Agent has been tested and will function correctly. The Avantra Agent may work on other Linux distributions correctly as long as you have the GNU C Library (glibc) version 2.7 or higher installed along with the required JRE version.

VendorVersionAdditional comments
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)7

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

Ubuntu18.04 LTS
20.04 LTS
22.04 LTS
IBMAIX 7.1 or higher
MicrosoftServer 2008 R232-bit versions are only supported from the 20.5 code line. Avantra Agent 20.5 only receives security updates and will not support newer features, e.g., automation.
Server 2012
Server 2016
Server 2019
Server 2022
OracleSolaris 10SPARC and x86_64 architectures only
Solaris 11SPARC and x86_64 architectures only


Java Runtime

Avantra 24 is supported to run under Java 17 LTS only. We recommend the use of the Temurin JRE as provided by Adoptium from the Eclipse foundation (formerly known as Adopt OpenJDK). As per the support matrix from Adoptium, Temurin 17 currently has an announced support timeframe that is longer than all other Temurin versions (at least Oct 2027 at time of publication).

Please note that Avantra strongly recommends keeping your Java Runtime (JRE) installation current with the latest versions from your provider. Typically, new versions are released monthly and include security and bug fixes which are best practice to adopt as soon as possible. Avantra supports each java runtime release for a period of 6 months (JRE releases are currently expired by their providers typically within 4 months). JREs outside of this timeframe should be updated prior to seeking support from the Avantra support team.

What Java Runtime should I use?

  • Agents 24 and above use Java Runtime version 17 only
  • Agents 23.3 - 23.9 support both Java Runtime version 8 and Java Runtime version 17
  • Agents up to and including 23.2.X use Java Runtime version 8 only


Avantra currently supports PostgreSQL and MSSQL databases as listed in the table below. Typically we continue to support a database version until the provider (PostgreSQL or Microsoft) list it as out of mainstream maintenance. Please note we do not support database versions that are operated using an extended maintenance support package.

Avantra supports the use of Hyperscaler (GCP/AWS/Azure) database services e.g. AWS PostgreSQL RDS as long as the version in-use remains a supported version by the database provider

Database TypeVersionSupport Notes
PostgreSQL15.xSupported until end of mainstream maintenance on November 11, 2027
14.xSupported until end of mainstream maintenance on November 12, 2026
13.xSupported until end of mainstream maintenance on November 13, 2025
12.xSupported until end of mainstream maintenance on November 14, 2024
Microsoft SQL2022Fully supported
2019Fully supported
2017Supported with an advisory to upgrade to a version in mainstream maintenance by the end of 2024.

Operating Systems

Avantra servers can be run on a supported Linux or Microsoft operating system. Avantra actively supports and tests the running of the Avantra server on the following distributions and versions:

Operating SystemMajor VersionSupport Notes
SUSE / OpenSUSE15Fully supported
12Supported however please note that mainstream maintenance ends in Oct 2024.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)9Fully supported
8Supported however please note that mainstream maintenance ends in May 2024.
Ubuntu22.04 LTSFully supported
20.04 LTSFully supported
Windows Server2022Fully supported

Please note that the running of an Avantra SERVER on an application-specific flavor of certain linux distributions e.g. 'SUSE for SAP' is not supported in any configuration.
