⚠️ IMPORTANT INFORMATION for Avantra 24 Automation customers
From Avantra 24 for customers who have or have previously imported any automation transport there is no longer a requirement to import the standard Avantra monitoring transports before importing the automation transports!
ONLY THE AUTOMATION TRANSPORTS ARE REQUIRED and are accessed via the solution document here: How to guide: SAP Automation Templates Installation
Note: Make sure to import the workbench request before the customising request containing the role.
- 1.0 Transport <--> Agent dependencies
- 2.0 Which transports (only valid from Avantra 24)
- 3.0 Avantra Interface transports
- 4.0 Avantra Automation transports
1.0 Transport <--> Agent dependencies
To avoid issues, please ensure that the appropriate transports are imported and imported in the correct sequence.
We recommend the the latest transports is used with the latest agent, in case this is not done there is a risk that some checks may not operate as expected!
2.0 Which transports (only valid from Avantra 24)
2.1 Avantra versions <= 23.X
Avantra interface (section 3) and Avantra automation (section 4) must be imported together.
This is only valid for Avantra versions <= 23.X !
2.2 Avantra versions >= 24.X
From Avantra 24 the transports will be defined dependent on if you your system and licence is for purely the Avantra interface or for Avantra automations.
Avantra system and licence | Transports |
Avantra Interface only | Download workbench and customising transports referenced in section 3 below only. |
Avantra automation | Download workbench and customising transports referenced in section 4 below only! There is no longer a need to also import transports in section 3! |
3.0 Avantra Interface transports
3.1 Avantra Interface Workbench transports:
3.2 Avantra Interface customizing transports:
4.0 Avantra Automation transports
Note: Automation transports are only available for specific license types